Monday, April 23, 2012

Walk on an eco-route – 31.01

The route starts at one village near Veliko Tarnovo, called Plachkovci. We went there by train and after that we walked the distance between Plachkovci and Triavna by foot. At first the weather was a bit too cold, but as the sun got higher in the sky, the temperatures rose and we were able to enjoy ourselves as much as possible. The whole walk was so pleasant because the walking distance was not too little neither too great and we arrived in Triavna just as we were starting to get more tired - it was the perfect moment for a warm soup and a hot beverage in a local restaurant. It was a really great way of spending the day, because we actually get to spend the one warmer day of January in a new place, that both familiar from pictures of friends and yet unknown for us. I had a lot of fun and actually improved my navigational skills, because the path through the mountain was marked scarcely and I had to use all my senses in order to find the right way. No matter of the mild dangers, I had an incredible fun and I am eager for more as soon as possible!

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